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Why armature core is laminated in dc machine.
Balance the weight of the core for balanced rotational motion.
Lamination highly reduces the eddy current loss and steel sheets provide low reluctance path to magnetic field i e decreases hysteresis loss.
Why the armature core in d c machines is constructed with laminated steel sheets instead of solid steel sheets.
Asked by haroon rehman.
The top image depicts a solid armature while the bottom image shows an armature made of five laminations.
11 what is the function of armature in a dc generator.
The sum of the eddy currents in the laminated core is smaller than the current in the solid core.
The armature core of dc generator is cylindrical in shape and keyed to the rotating shaft.
Reduce the weight of the core.
10 why is the armature core of a dc machine laminated.
Ventilate air during rotation.
Why armature core is laminated in dc machine.
To reduce the eddy current loss.
The yoke is stationary and no flux variations take place and hence the.
The armature core of a dc machine is laminated to reduce the eddy current loss.
Motor armatures have to be made of thin laminations of iron to work efficiently a plain solid iron armature would waste a lot of energy in at least two ways the magnetic field that is produced by.
The rotating part of the dc machine or a dc generator is called the armature.
Some through holes are provided in the laminated armature core in a dc machine to.
Armature core rotates and comes under n and s poles alternately and this flux variations produce hysteresis and eddy current losses in the core and hence the core is laminated.
What is the main factor which governs the size and rating of an electric machine.
Armature of dc generator.
Asked by wiki user.
Answer for why is the armature core of a dc machine laminated.
The armature consists of a shaft upon which a laminated cylinder called amature core is placed.